/ Sustainable Investing
 Securing a sustainable future
Securing a sustainable future Invest Today to Change Tomorrow

At Melville Douglas, we know that investing means creating wealth for the future. We also know that critical issues like the climate crisis, scarcity of resources, biodiversity loss, and social insecurity raise serious concerns about what type of society we will leave behind for future generations.

As a result, investors are increasingly more conscious about their investment decisions. While the search for healthy returns remains an objective, investors are looking for opportunities that will provide financial returns, as well as a measurable positive social and environmental impact. This desire for change, as well as a shifting regulatory environment aimed at addressing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) challenges, is fuelling the growth of both sustainable and impact investing.

Invest Today to change tomorrow

Invest Today to change tomorrow

Sustainable investing is a priority for us at Melville Douglas – we take building a better world personally –  which is why we’ve been, and always will be, committed to securing people’s futures.

As we seek to address global challenges such as environmental issues, human rights, and climate change, and we evaluate how our behaviours affect the planet and society, creating a sustainable future will require responsible choices and an understanding of, not just the needs and desires of today’s generation, but also those of tomorrow.

Your money has power. Use it for positive change, and know that what you invest in today, will determine our world tomorrow.

How we embed Sustainable Investing across Melville Douglas

As an investment manager it is our responsibility to offer solutions that are relevant, and adapting to today’s challenges and the continually evolving investment landscape. We need to adopt a long-term view and undertake actions in our day-to-day investment decisions to make a lasting impact. We believe that ESG is important for creating long-term value for our clients and society. ESG is a framework that helps us evaluate how companies manage their environmental impact, social responsibility, and corporate governance.

Not only is ESG a matter of ethics, it’s also a matter of performance. Companies that score high on ESG criteria tend to have lower risks, higher returns, and better reputations than those that score low. By incorporating ESG factors into our investment decisions, we aim to deliver sustainable and competitive returns for our clients. ESG is a way of making a positive difference in the world. By investing in companies that care about the environment, social welfare, and good governance, we support their efforts to address the global challenges of climate change, inequality, and corruption. We also engage with the companies we invest in to encourage them to improve their ESG practices and disclose their ESG performance. Advocating for the integration of ESG in investment practices, we believe it’s a fundamental part of being a responsible investor. We require active ownership and engagement with our investee companies, in order to influence their operations and business strategy. Active ownership allows us an opportunity for meaningful engagement that ultimately enhances the ESG performance of our assets under management.

Our high-performance investment professionals, with deep sector focus and specialisation, are all passionate about delivering on their dual mandate of generating attractive risk-adjusted returns, while making a positive impact. We offer you a unique opportunity to align your values with your investments. Extensive in-house research capabilities enable us to find and execute on the best possible opportunities, and our ongoing active management style ensures that we extract the best outcomes for our investors.

Our Sustainability focused investment solutions

We offer clients unique investment solutions that enable them to achieve both their financial and sustainability goals.